Well, as you may know, I am a Casting Crowns freak. I don't know if I said this about Atlanta Fest, but the day Casting Crowns performed, my mother, myself, and a few other people went to the Atlanta Fest grounds at 2:30 IN THE MORNING (keep in mind that they were performing that night at 9:30) to set up chairs at the front row. There was a woman that said we couldn't because there was some rule about items on the festival grounds couldn't be left over night or they would pick them up. We look around and say "What about all of these chairs?!" "We haven't gotten to those yet," she replied. So my mother and I go back at 5:00. There were chairs there but they have been turned over so we left before someone could see us. Then we went back at 7:30 and we finally set them up at the fence. That is how bad of Casting Crowns freaks my mother and I are (and it was worth every trip too!). Well anyways, I think I may tell you about my first love for Casting Crowns. We were on our way to StadiumFest (I already posted about that) and I knew a few of their songs but there were a lot that I did know but didn't know that they sang. Well, afterwards, while they were all coming off of the stage, I grabbed Mrs. Sharon's camera and stood at the top of the bleachers and practically stalked them. When we realized that Mark Hall hadn't come off yet, we saw people going backstage, so we went to get his autograph (WHICH I LOST!) and get a picture. Well if you read the post about StadiumFest, you know how it ends, and I'm NOT going to tell you. You have to go look yourself.(: Well tonight/this morning while I was waiting on my daily 3:00 in the morning conversation with Myra Boulware yesterday (which for some reason didn't happen tonight!) I turned on Casting Crowns for the millionth time. I all of a sudden started worshipping...at 1:00 in the morning! Now, if Myra hadn't janked up my sleeping habits, that never would have happened. But I was just singing as loud as I could and I didn't care who woke up. That is how into it I was. But if you want to know what my favorite song by them is, it's "Until the Whole World Hears". If you haven't heard it, you better not tell me, because I will slap you in the face and I don't care who you are. Which means....GO LOOK IT UP! Or.....how about I post it!
Ain't it great? But it's really hard to pick a favorite with them. Right now I'm trying to learn three of their songs at once. "East to West", "Slow Fade", and "Lifesong". OH! And before I forget! They have a new one! It's called "Courageous"! You NEED to look it up! Well, I guess that's it! Well, I think I may share a few pictures of them at Atlanta Fest real quick!(:
Ain't it awesome?! I told you we were front row! Oh, and that last one is Morgan and me ready for them to perform! (Look at me in my new Casting Crowns shirt and my Casting Crowns necklace! I'm a freak...I know)
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