Before I even start this blog, I must say, English teachers and poetic freaks would think that my title is something symbolic (or whatever the word is). But, I don't use symbolism...I say what I'm thinking plain as day (unless my thinking is too confusing to put into words...then I just don't talk)....I mean what I say, and say what I mean. And other people that like weird songs are probably think I'm gonna start talking about a song...but I;m not.
So here goes.
My most gracious grandparents knew that money was tight with my parents, so they took me to get new glasses! I know you're probably thinking, "He seriously wrote ALL that just to say he got new glasses?! Wow! What a freak!" Well, to answer that question, yes, yes I did, and yes, I know I am a freak and I am very happy with myself!(:
But anyways, back to the point...
But these glasses are something that I didn't think I wouldn't get. They're half-rims, metal, thick black frames, and some kind of silver thingy on the sides...that part is hard to explain. But they actually look really cool! I liketh them(:
But here's some other things that this spoiled kid got...some blue and some green shoe laces for my converse (even though we have to take them back, because the normal shoe lace length for low tops are too small for my HUMONGOUS feet), two Aero shirts, a bunch of jeans (I got SO tired of trying them on) and a bracelet from Aeropostale! I know, I'm spoiled(:
Haha well, I don't think there's really anything else on my mind except me getting annoyed with getting used to these lenses. But other than that...there's nothing.
Well, it's about time to start my night convo's with Myra, Alex, and God knows who else.
Yeah I kind of hit the hay early last night. So sorry about no conversation! ): Glad you are spoiled by your grandparents too! (: