John Minor Carothers III

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Could I be any dumber?

Well, yesterday, my grandparents freakin' SPOILED me! First they took me to see a movie that DEFINITELY shouldn't be watched with grandparents...I knew it would be a mistake, but they were my only way of seeing the movie. It was "Bad Teacher". I thought it would just be bad language and a bunch of sex talk, but right out of no where it has a close up of someone's BOOBS! I am NOT the kind of person that finds pleasure of that crap! AND MY GRANDPARENTS WERE WITH ME!!!!!!! Talk about awkward!!! So, I just looked at the ceiling the whole scene while they laughed at it. Well, after the movie, they took me shoe shopping! I got my first pair of converse EVER and I love them so much! I'm thinking about putting a green shoe lace in one shoe and a blue one in the other(: . And I ALSO got Wallabees! I had mentioned that I couldn't make up my mind between both, and they kept asking me if I wanted both, and I kept saying no, and finally I said yes because they were getting on my nerves. Then, I was looking at iPod cases, and so we had to drive around to every store that might sell them, and when we found one in the mall, it was $39 but we could've gotten them A LOT cheaper. That's why you've got to love grandparents! Haha and tomorrow my grandfathe is taking me kayaking! I don't know what is with him and kayaking now, but he went with someone in his church and he fell in love! HE LITERALLY WENT OUT AND BOUGHT A KAYAK!!!! He's crazy. Well I guess that's it! Bye guys!!!(:

Monday, July 18, 2011

I really don't know why....

Well, my dear friend (you should know who she is by now) posted a letter to her future husband. I told her that I didn't know what to post. She tells me to write a letter to my future wife. I explain to her that I don't want to grow up. So she tells me to write one to my future girlfriend. So I gave in. But seeing that I'm not this kind of person at all, it will be from the point of view of a nerd. So here goes.

Dear Whitney, (I just decided to choose that random name because it sounds like a gorgeous popular girl)

I may stalk you now, and have an asthma attack every time I talk to you, but one day, I will be a man that fulfills your needs! I will become the number one World of Warcraft player in the WORLD! I WILL stay up past 7:30 (but no later than eight). I WILL eat/drink dairy products! I may (no promises) stop sleeping in my power ranger footie pajamas! No, there is no may, I WILL just for you! You are worthy of it! You will regret whipping your beautiful, long, luscious, bleach blonde hair that smells like strawberry-banana  in my face some day! I can see it now! We're sitting in the same room (but not on the same peice of furniture...that is so sexual!) with the largest gaming computer in the world! And I'm sitting there...making your World of Warcraft account. And when we grow old, we will sit on the front porch with our laptops, playing World of Warcraft. Then, I will lean over, and we will share our first kiss! And it WILL be almost a second long! I can't wait to share our wonderful life together! See you in my dreams! :)

Very intertaining wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed it because it was very hard to come up with! Well I hope you had a good to ya soon guys!(:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Casting Crowns....well that says enough(:

Well, as you may know, I am a Casting Crowns freak. I don't know if I said this about Atlanta Fest, but the day Casting Crowns performed, my mother, myself, and a few other people went to the Atlanta Fest grounds at 2:30 IN THE MORNING (keep in mind that they were performing that night at 9:30) to set up chairs at the front row. There was a woman that said we couldn't because there was some rule about items on the festival grounds couldn't be left over night or they would pick them up. We look around and say "What about all of these chairs?!" "We haven't gotten to those yet," she replied. So my mother and I go back at 5:00. There were chairs there but they have been turned over so we left before someone could see us. Then we went back at 7:30 and we finally set them up at the fence. That is how bad of Casting Crowns freaks my mother and I are (and it was worth every trip too!). Well anyways, I think I may tell you about my first love for Casting Crowns. We were on our way to StadiumFest (I already posted about that) and I knew a few of their songs but there were a lot that I did know but didn't know that they sang. Well, afterwards, while they were all coming off of the stage, I grabbed Mrs. Sharon's camera and stood at the top of the bleachers and practically stalked them. When we realized that Mark Hall hadn't come off yet, we saw people going backstage, so we went to get his autograph (WHICH I LOST!) and get a picture. Well if you read the post about StadiumFest, you know how it ends, and I'm NOT going to tell you. You have to go look yourself.(: Well tonight/this morning while I was waiting on my daily 3:00 in the morning conversation with Myra Boulware yesterday  (which for some reason didn't happen tonight!) I turned on Casting Crowns for the millionth time. I all of a sudden started 1:00 in the morning! Now, if Myra hadn't janked up my sleeping habits, that never would have happened. But I was just singing as loud as I could and I didn't care who woke up. That is how into it I was. But if you want to know what my favorite song by them is, it's "Until the Whole World Hears". If you haven't heard it, you better not tell me, because I will slap you in the face and I don't care who you are. Which means....GO LOOK IT UP! about I post it!
Ain't it great? But it's really hard to pick a favorite with them. Right now I'm trying to learn three of their songs at once. "East to West", "Slow Fade", and "Lifesong". OH! And before I forget! They have a new one! It's called "Courageous"! You NEED to look it up! Well, I guess that's it! Well, I think I may share a few pictures of them at Atlanta Fest real quick!(:

Ain't it awesome?! I told you we were front row! Oh, and that last one is Morgan and me ready for them to perform! (Look at me in my new Casting Crowns shirt and my Casting Crowns necklace! I'm a freak...I know)
Well I guess that's it! Bye Bye!!!(:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Soreness sucks!

So yesterday I went to my little cousin's 4th birthday party. He had it at Wind Creek, so we all got on the boat. When we got out deep enough, we start to go tubing. I first got on with my 7 year old cousin and her half sister who is 8 (it was a three person tube). It starts off ok, then my uncle starts going faster, and pretty soon he got going so fast that I was surprised he would go that fast with two little girls on it. Well then later I get on with Abbey and my other uncle's girlfriend. This time to level the tube out, I was on the end. And soon I'm struggling to stay on. And eventually he throws me off and I know I did at least one flip in the air and maybe one in the water but anyways, since I didn't know what was going on and I didn't expect it, I actually slapped Abbey in the face when I was flying off and when I was in the water I realized half my butt was showing so I'm just thinking "I wonder how many people just saw my butt" but I don't think anyone saw it. So I get back to the tube and of course with my fat self I had a hard time. The he goes insanely fast again and I had the hardest time staying on when ever he was turning on my side. Eventually when we crossed over the middle part from where the motor blows the water and we get to my side again we start jumping and I'm litterally hanging off the tube in the air with my hip facing the sky! When I got back on the tube (I never fell off) Abbey and I gave the exact same expression of shock, amazement, and fear in one and then we start dying out laughing. Then that exact same thing happens to me two more times. Then he decides to be funny and he goes towards one of the floaty things in the water and he starts turning, and we think that he's showing off and is barely going to miss it but he keep getting closer to it and I'm just thinking that I'm about to hit it. But the rope hits it then we hit it and Abbey and I freaked out because we thought it was hard or something but we see that it goes under and realized that it was inflatable. Then we demanded that he stopped and let us back on the boat and we didn't get back on it. Sorry if it was hard to understand what I was saying. You just had to be watching from my point of view. But now my arm is killing me!!! And I guess that's all for tonight! Bye peeps!(:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

That Boulware Chick and Me(:

Well, last night I stayed up until 4:00 a.m. talking to my drama club role model, Myra Boulware (I call her McLovin, she calls me McNugget). We were getting pretty deep into discussion too. We talked about everything about competition to wishing a certain* someone a terrible when they grow old! We start off talking about drama competition. Turns out, she loves me so dearly that she even writes a skit just me to do at competition (and that Eller chick along with me lol...I love her)!!!!!! Then I explain to her my three options for monologues and the duet I'm singing with Katlyn (YIKES!!! I've never heard her sing AND I don't think I'm too good of a singer so we'll see how this turns out). Then we talk about how people do not take drama seriously (this was a MAJOR topic and drama club was like 75% of this conversation because we're both so passionate about it). A lot of people take the class just to get an easy A but it does NOT deserve that kind of disrespect (well it doesn't deserve any kind of disrespect). Then we talk about how the principal definitely doesn't take it seriously because all he cares about is sports. She gave me a great idea to make a formal presentation to him why we deserve more respect and money. Then of course, we had to talk about why it was a bad idea for her not to be an officer...which I strongly agree.  Then about why some of the officers shouldn't have been officers :P. Then we talked about these blogs and how bad bloggers we were. OH! She redesigned hers! You should check it out! is her blog! But I don't even know why I said that because no one even reads this thing so I guess I was telling Myra to check out her own blog! But anyways, we also talked about Micheller and her constant screaming at Grant and during play season. Also apparently she has a bee-yoo-tiful voice, so I'm going to call her out in the middle of class and make her sing. Then our last topic was her bad break up. AND THAT is how we come to wishing someone a bad old adulthood. We hope that he ends up as a bitter old cat man dressed as Urkle and screaming to kids to get off of his lawn! He will also ride around on his tractor in his spare time (which is all the time because he will be a loser). And his best friend will be his rocking chair and his 50 cats! And he will also have to deal with teenagers that call him Old Man Jenkins dealing drugs behind his old barn and putting dog poop in a bag and lighting up on his front porch! Well I guess you know why Myra Boulware is my drama role model! And she's been waiting long enough to see this so I'm about to let ya go! Bye!(:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Wow...I'm so lousy!

It's been like 3 months since I've posted. And you better believe that A LOT has happened! First, I was in my very first play and I LOVED* it!(: I just love being with the drama club!!! Then school got out. And last month we went to Atlanta Fest. It was so. freakin. awesome!!! Casting Crowns are my absolute favorite and they freakin rocked there! I also discovered a new band named Anthem Lights! THAT is a band you need to look up! Then, this past week, I went to Jasper, Alabama with the Estuses for housesitting and I absolutely love the people there! I just wish I could have been able to spend the 4th of July here at my Nana and Papa's. And the last week of July, I'll be going for my 5th year of AIM Southeast Church Youth Camp. I love it every year! But of course, everyone goes to the beach while I spend 85% of my time at home doing nothing! I hate being poor :/. Well anyways, School starts next month and I'll be a sophomore! It seems like the worst year of high school so I'm not really looking forward to it. But anyways, I'm tired of typing and I dont think anyone even reads this dumb thing because, quite frankly, I don't even read it! So goodbye peeps (yes, that is the whitest kid ever trying to act gangster).