John Minor Carothers III

Friday, July 13, 2012

Strange Dreams and Ridiculous Heart Attacks...

Ok, so today had been great. I got to see the beautiful faces of my fellow drama club officers (two of them happen to be some of my best friends) at a drama meeting today from 9:00-12:00. Then I go to Ranchito's (BEST MEXICAN FOOD PLACE EVER! And pretty much the only restaurant in E-town) with some of them. Well after that, I meet up with the girl that's gonna be in charge of the "dancers" on the field in the half-time show because she needed to come up with a routine, and it was a lot of partnering, so she needed my help. So, obviously, this seems like an exhausting day. I finally get home around maybe 3:30-ish? But the sleepiness didn't hit me till waaay later. So I end up falling asleep around 5:30. And I had the weirdest dream.

Ok, so I'm with my youth group, and we're on some kind of mission trip. Well, for some reason, we're staying right down the road from my house (which is pointless, because then we could stay at the church) and the house we're staying in is up for sell (I guess we were staying in it because it'd be empty). Well, anyways, apparently there's been a lot of break-ins, in my little community (it's like the biggest community in the town, but for safety purposes, I'll call it Redneck-town). Well, this particular night, there's a break-in at the house like right across the street or something, and somehow, we know the robber is coming to the house we're staying in because it's empty, so it's kind of a smart idea. So, we FREAK OUT. Imagine like 40 teenagers gathering their crap as fast as they can and getting into the bus. And we have police and all kinds of people at this house. So, we're on the bus, and we're on the way back to the church, and we all feel relieved and junk. And so we're back at the church, and it's time for us to go home, and all of a sudden I remember, that I live right down the road from the house that we just fled from. And I am freaking out inside. But I don't bother to tell anyone, so I'm just gonna go home and get murdered or something. Well I never got to finish it, because my mom woke up, soooo yeah.

So you probably thought that was kind of pointless, but it was funny at the time, and I was just gonna mention it a little, but I couldn't do that without explaining all that crap.


Let's take the clock to around 10:30-ish. So I'm watching Dance Moms (funniest show EVER) and I realize, I haven't even eaten yet! So I wait till a commercial break to fix my food. One finally comes on, and I put my feet on the floor to get ready to go to the kitchen, and then I see it. Waiting for me was a SPIDER! I HATE********* spiders! I LOVE Spider-man, but I DESPISE spiders. So, I'm FA-REAK OUT! Like, I'm and whisper screaming (my parents were asleep) and jumping up and down, and I am on my bed, then I'm a little calmed down, and the spider moves like a centimeter, and I freak out again! So finally I get up the courage to finally get down, and when I go to put on my flip flop, it crawls in it! So now I'm screaming "GET OUT OF MY SHOE YOU DIRTY LITTLE DEMON!" And luckily, I have my converse in my room, so I slip them on and wait for it to come out of my flip flop to squash. After a few seconds, it crawls out, and it takes me forever to walk up to it. Well this thing is FAST! It crawls away, and then runs up the side of my night stand. I stick my foot up there, and it runs down and goes UNDER it! And now I'm freaking out again, because I'm thinking "GREAT! Now it's just gonna wait under there because I scared it, and it's gonna wait for me to go to sleep so it can crawl in my mouth!" So, I finally decide to relax and sit down in my chair for a few seconds and update my twitter so everyone knows I'm freaking out. Then, I take my eyes off my phone and guess who's staring at me. You guess it. THE SPIDER! So, of course, I freak out, just as much at the first time, I jump on my bed, then I decide, "Ok, just jump right on top of him." So I finally do, and it runs, and I'm freaking out because I'm afraid it'll crawl on me. So I start stomping away! AND IT KEEPS GETTING AWAY FROM ME! And FINALLY! I squished it, but I didn't only squish it, I DESTROYED IT! I showed that spider who the freakin' boss is up in here! And do, I'm like rubbing my foot in it until this thing is in to PIECES just so I know it's dead. And I felt like a true warrior! During that whole stomping seen, I felt like I was in the most intense part of a movie! Oooooh!

Well, that's it for my useless stories tonight! I'll update later for more stories that have no meaning! Byyyyeeeee! :D

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Ok, so I know what your thinking. "Is this fat-lard seriously about to make a whole blog post about eating a corndog?" Hahaha well the answer is no. So you may continue reading.

Anyways, yesterday, I came back from a youth camp with the MOST AMAZING youth group EVER! It was called Global Youth Camp. And I think this camp changed my life! Like, it's so hard to explain the level of awesomeness this camp was on! I am SO glad that I got to go to this place. ESPECIALLY with this wonderful group of people! I've grown like 10X closer to ALL of them in just 4 days thanks to this camp! Everyone told me that this camp was so amazing and so awesome, but NO ONE told me that GALLONS of salt water would be coming out of my eyes! ESPECIALLY during the first night! THAT is where it all started. I come to thins camp thinking "I want to change, but I probably won't and I'll just go home and continue my ways" but that ALL changed once they played the bridge part of "Jesus Paid it All" where it goes "Oh praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead" and right then and there I completely lost it. Through the whole service I cried and thought about all the CRAP that I've done and how he could still love me even though I've done TERRIBLE things! And so I FINALLY stop crying during the service and pay attention. THEN, worship is over and we leave to go to church time (which is obviosly spending time with your church) and they just pour out AGAIN! Listening to people that you love is ROUGH! Then it happens the next night but not as bad.

Now, I bet you're wondering where the crap the title comes into play. Well, obviously, it was corndog day, and there were too staff members (who happened to be two of the FUNNIEST staff members) that were SUPER excited for it! So, they make this rap, and perform it at the variety show! And since then, our youth group has been singing it NON STOP! Haha we were singing it in McDonald's! I wish you could have seen the employees' faces behind the counter!

But anyways, I'm like really tired and I don't feel like typing anymore, so I'll probably post more later! Bye guys! And happy Independence Day! :D