Well of course, I haven't posted in a while. So here's what's been happening. During spring break, I did basically nothing except go to my cousins' house. Then I hadn't really done anything because I'm a loser. But Saturday, I went to StadiumFest in Birmingham and it was completely AMAZING! I even got a picture with Mark Hall from Casting Crowns AND an autograph!!!Toby Mac was also there, but that was the first time I've ever heard him (shocked right?) and he wasn't that bad, I just couldn't understand him. And since then, I've been trying to get a tighter relationship with God. Now our youth group is wanting to go to Atlanta Fest. It is reeeeeeally expensive though, so we will probably be fundraising all this month. But this Saturday, I'm going to the zoo with Morgan Tew(: and some other little kids from our Sunday School classes. ALSO, it's play season at ECHS! (: So I will be rehearsing every week (:. And above all that, it's Easter month, so the choir is wanting the teens to do stuff...and if there's something else, I'll think of it later...but here's the picture of Mark Hall and me and Abbey! (: